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Planful For Marketing: The New Goal Types Option Now Available on the Attributes & Tags Page

With this release, the Goal Types is available as a new tab on the Attributes & Tags page, along with Expense Types, Campaign/Expense Group Types, Vendors, GL Codes, and Tags. To access it, navigate to Settings > Attributes & Tags and click Goal Types.


You can use the Attributes & Tags page to seamlessly manage all entities, such as  Campaign/Expense Group Types, Goal Types, Expense Types, Vendors, GL Codes, and Tags within the Planful for Marketing application in one place. 

Previously, Goal Types were not available in the application; they existed as separate entities and could only be created or deleted by the Planful support team. You could not make any changes on your own, which caused inconvenience.

Goal Types

You can use the new Goal Types tab on the Attributes & Tags page to perform multiple actions as a single entity. You can now perform all actions, such as create, update, delete, etc, on your own without needing help from the Planful support team. 

In addition, you can activate or deactivate any Goal Type instead of deleting it, providing the flexibility to reuse it whenever needed. Furthermore, you can now view the count of instances where these types are being used, allowing you to track all Goal Types in one place. 

The following key features are available:


Use this option to quickly locate any Goal Types within the system, which is helpful in large databases. You can instantly narrow down search results by typing in a few keywords.


Use this option to create new Goal Types directly within the application. 


Use this option to modify existing Goal Types as needed.


Use this toggle to activate or deactivate Goal Types based on their current relevance or usage status. You can temporarily remove them from active use without permanently deleting them and reuse them later if needed.


Use this option to remove redundant or obsolete Goal Types from the application. Wherever the deleted Goal Type has been used, it is replaced by Other, a system-defined type that cannot be deleted.


Use this option to provide insights into the usage frequency of each Goal Type. You can track the number of instances where each type is utilized and gauge its significance and relevance within the application.

These key features allow you to organize within the application, enhancing organizational requirements and streamlining workflow processes.

Let's understand the new feature with an example:

As a marketing manager, Sarah oversees multiple goal types across regions and product lines. With Planful for Marketing's recent updates, Goal Type management is now centralized in the Attributes & Tags section. This allows Sarah to autonomously create, update, activate, deactivate, and delete Goal Types without external support. She can easily create specialized Goal Types like Seasonal Promotions and update existing ones as needed. 

Sarah can also manage Goal Types dynamically, activating or deactivating them based on relevance, and monitor usage frequency for informed decision-making. These enhancements streamline campaign management, optimize resource allocation, and drive success across her diverse portfolio.

To learn more about the features of Goal Types, click here.

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